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Plants available in the Nursery as at 1 February 2025

Plant stock varies significantly according to demand, so plants on our list today may be out of stock as we only stock a few of each type.

If in doubt contact us before your visit to ensure the plants are still in stock.

Botanical NameCommon NameShort description
Abelia grandifloraA medium-sized, rounded, semi-evergreen shrub with gracefully arching branches, densely clothed with glossy oval, dark green leaves with white flowers.
Acer palmatumJapanese mapleSmall tree valued highly for its pretty, dissected leaves which turn vibrant red/orange in autumn. Excellent courtyard tree.
Achillea millefolium AlbaWhite yarrowDense, dark green ferny foliage forms a low, growing ground cover. Small white flowers appear on top of long stems in summer and autumn.
Achillea ptarmica The PearlStrongly clumping yarrow with White double flowers.Needs full sun. Adaptable to most soils
Achillea tomentosa 'Aurea'Woolly achilleaA low-growing, mat-forming perennial with golden-yellow, flat-topped clusters of flowers up to 5cm in diameter.
Agastache Sweet LilyPink agastacheDark pink tubular flowers are carried on tall stiff stems from mid-summer until late autumn. Full sun. Bird attracting
Ajania pacifica 'Bess'Dense bushy shrub attractive all year. Produces thick clusters of small cream daises with a yellow centre in autumn. Thrives in well drained soil.
Ajuga reptans Pink ElfThick ground cover matting plant, with pretty pink spire flowers in spring. Sun to semi shade
Albuca shawiiDwarf yellow AlbucaDainty yellow flowered bulb with green striped almond-perfumed flowers in early summer. Winter dormant. Very hardy
AlstroemeriaPeruvian LilyYellow/orange summer flowering strappy perennial for full sun. Very hardy.
Amsonia tabernaemontanaPretty starry light blue flowers. Full sun. Good autumn tones
Anemone x hybrida Japanese WindflowerShade loving perennial with pretty star shaped pink or white flowers held high above the palmate leaves in autumn.
AnigozanthosKangaroo PawThis beautiful strappy leaved perennial produces multiple velvety flowers from late winter through spring.
AquilegiaGranny's BonnetClump-forming perennial, lacy grey green foliage, various coloured flowers spring and summer. Self seeds. Partial shade.
Arctotis PinkGrey leafed groundcover with pretty pink daisy flowers. Loves sun and heat.
Armeria PinkBlue/green foliage with large heads of pink flowers fading to white in the centre in late winter to mid spring.
Artemisia alba 'Canescens'A semi-evergreen, sub-shrub of bushy habit. It has beautifully dissected silver foliage. In summer it bears small yellow flowers.
Asarina procumbens 'Lemon Souffle'Creeping snapdragonA trailing perennial with kidney shaped leaves and pale yellow snapdragon-like flowers. Full sun
Ballota pseudodictamnus 'Nanus'Dwarf ballotaA rounded compact evergreen shrub clothed from top to bottom with round, thickly felted grey leaves. full sun
Brunnera macrophylla 'Langtrees'Large rough-textured dark green leaves bordered with a pattern of silvery-grey spots. Pretty racemes of blue flowers. For the shade or indoors.
Buddleia salviifoliaSouth African Wood SageOpen growing vigourous buddleia. Pale mauve flower panicles are a magnet to butterflies in the garden.
Buddleia x weyeriana Butterfly bush cultivarButterfly attracting bush with yellow flowers. Hardy and can be pruned hard in winter.
Bulbine bulbosaBulbine lilySpires of golden yellow fragrant flowers in spring/summer. Leaves die down in dry weather but will resprout with rain or irrigation.
Buxus sempervirens ElegantissimaVariegated english boxEvergreen leaves with creamy yellow margins and a dark green center.
Camellia x williamsii Betty RidleyBetty Ridley is a strong growing camellia which produces beautiful formal double clear pink flowers over an extended season.
Carex albula Frosted CurlsCurly sedgeDensely tufted grass like plant with arching narrow silver green leaves
Caryopteris 'Summer Sorbet'Deciduous shrub, bushy mound of green and gold leaves. Blue flowers in late summer. Full sun. Cut back hard each spring.
Centaurea gymnocarpa 'Silver Fountain'Silver fountain dusty millerSilver-leafed evergreen sub-shrub. Amethyst flowers in spring, may repeat. Full sun or light shade in a dry spot.
Ceratostigma willmottianumChinese plumbagoSun. Rich blue flowers in Summer and Autumn
Chitalpa tashkentensis xA very showy, drought tolerant small tree. Flowers from summer to early autumn. Terminal white flushed pink/mauve trumpet flowers.
Choisya ternata 'Aurea'Bright golden yellow leaves on this evergreen shrub with white flowers in spring. Excellent garden plant. Trim to size.
Cistus purpureaHardy evergreen with open mauve/purple/pink flowers in spring. Do not overwater. Full sun
Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’Variegated red stemmed dwarf dogwoodA vigorous shrub with red winter branches. Green leaves, margined white, turn red in autumn, white spring flowers.
Cornus alba 'Sibirica'Red stemmed dogwoodWonderful vibrant red stems feature in winter when the shrub has lost its leaves. The colder the winter the better the red.
Cornus alba 'Westonbirt'Red stemmed dogwoodWonderful vibrant red stems feature in winter when the shrub has lost its leaves. The colder the winter the better the red.
Cornus sericea baileyiRed twigged dogwoodBluish/green leaves in summer with burgundy red stems in winter. Stunning in the frost. Umbels of white flowers in spring
Cornus sericea KelseyiRed tipped dogwoodCompact rounded shrub with attractive red branches. White clustered flowers in summer are followed by berries that attract birds in winter
Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea'Yellow twig DogwoodA medium-sized, deciduous shrub forming thickets of greenish-yellow stems in winter. The colder the winter the better the colour.
Corydalis ochroleucaWhite corydalisOpen woodland, herbaceous perennial with pale yellow/white flowers above ferny foliage. Native to rocky woodland areas
Dichroa febrifugaRare semi-evergreen shrub with dark blue star flowers followed by iridescent blue berries
Dichroa versicolourEvergreen hydrangeaFlowers similar to hydrangea which change with the acidity of the soil. May be frost tender in extreme winters. Protect from intense midday sun.
Digitalis purpureaFoxgloveTall growing biennial with spires of purple, pink or white flowers reaching up to 1.5 metres tall. Best in part shade
Dymondia margaretaeSilver carpetExceptionallyu hardy low growing groundcover. Yellow daisy flowers above a mat of grey foliage which smothers all weeds in the garden.
Echinops ritroGlobe thistleSteely blue globe thistle like flowers over coarse dark green leaves creates a bold display in the garden. You feel you just want to touch the flowers.
Elaeagnus × ebbingei 'Gilt Edge'A small evergreen shrub with leaves edged in gold. Fragrant small silvery flowers.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei LimelightHardy shrub with silvery young growth, which matures green with yellow and pale green in the centers. Makes the ultimate hardy showy hedge.
Eomecon chionathaSnow poppyVigorous groundcover for the shade with attractive large white flowers
Eucomis comosa OakhurstStrap-like burgundy foliage and pineapple-like stalks of pink tinged flowers.
Felicia amelloidesBlue daisyGood growing, hardy groundcover with showy bright blue flowers in spring. Spot flowers all year including winter. Sun
Fuchsia procumbensTrailing fuchsiaCreeping NZ endemic prostrate shrub, shade, moist well-drained soil flowers late summer. Deciduous in colder areas. N. Island NZ
Fuchsia SunrayA pretty fuchsia with attractive variegated cream, green and red foliage, flowers are lipstick pink with a purple corolla. Full sun to part shade
Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'Big root geraniumVigorous groundcover with showy pink flowers in spring. May spot bloom. Morning sun
Geranium phaeum LividusSoft lilac grey flowers held well above leaves. Tolerates shade and dry. Frost hardy, evergreen
Geranium 'Silver Cloak'Exceptional plant forming a large mound of finely dissected grey foliage with mauve upward facing flowers. Foliage turns shades of red in cold weather.
Goodenia ovataBeautiful open shrub with bright green, fleshy leaves and masses of large, bright yellow flowers from Spring to Summer. Frost hardy
Grevillea iaspiculaWee Jasper grevilleaAn adaptable garden plant, preferring sunny or semi-shaded situations. Very pretty white flowers with red hues cover the plant in winter and spring.
Halimium lasianthum ssp formosumLow growing vigorous subshrub with grey green leaves smothered with happy yellow flowers blotched red during the warmer months. Flowers and flowers.
Haloragis erecta 'Wellington Bronze'Erect SeaberryHardy small shrub with attractive saw-toothed bronze and purple leaves. Frost hardy
Hebe 'Turkish Delight'HebeFull sun. Dark burgundy coloured leaves 25cm high by 25cm
Helianthemum nummularium 'Ben Ledi' Bright orange flowers decorate this drought-resistant mounding plant in early summer ; sometimes again in autumn. Full Sun
Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'Eye catching yellow/white variegated leaves with pink back make this a very desirable garden plant. Sun
Iberis sempervirensEvergreen white candytuftStunning pure white flowers over dark green foliage cover this mounding groundcover in late winter
Kniphofia citrinaPoker Yellow15cm “clubs” of lime green flowers, that fade to yellow & back to green as they age. Long blooming from Spring through to Summer
Lamium Beacon Silver forms a spreading patch of small silver leaves with a narrow green edge. Clusters of bright-pink flowers appear in spring, then continue off and on until autumn. Part Shade
Ledebouria cooperiCooper's squillOften overlooked, this sweet little bulbous perennial. Olive green leaves are nicely marked with purple striping and decorated with rosy pink flowers
Leonotis leonurus alba White lion's earWhite tube-like flowers in whorls on the tips of stems in Autumn and Winter. Aromatic foliage when crushed. Bird attracting
Liriope muscariA tough evergreen perennial with fine green strappy leaves and spires of purple flowe. Semi shade
Lonicera nitida Box honeysuckleSmall leafed evergreen shrub suitable for hedging or topiary. Very fast growing so a good substitute for Box.
Lupinus Mauve pinkLupin purple/whitePerennial plant with showy mauve pink flowers in summer. Deadhead spent spikes to promote further flowers. Full sun/part shade.
Lychnis coronaria AlbaRose Campion - WhiteMassed heads of pure white flowers on grey stems above clumps of grey woolly hairy leaves. Full sun.
Lychnis coronaria MagentaRose Campion - magentaMassed heads of magenta flowers on grey stems above clumps of grey woolly hairy leaves. Sun
Lychnis flos-jovis 'Peggy'Spring-flowering woodland perennial produces strong pink/purple flowers above grey hairy leaves
Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker'Purple loosestrifeLemon yellow flowers on chocolate foliage. Sun
Lysimachia congestiflora 'Persian Carpet'Perennial groundcover with dark chocolate leaves and yellow flowers in spring. Part sun/shade. Suitable hanging basket. Hardy.
Lysimachia nummularia GoldilocksCreeping JennyButter yellow leaves, prefers humus-rich soil, not to dry out. Sunny aspect to maintain leaf colour.
Maurandya barclayanaAngel's TrumpetFast growing semi-deciduous creeper, hardy and tough with purple trumpet flowers spring to autumn.
Monarda DonnerwolkePerennial with rich purple spidery type flower heads on tall stems in late summer/autumn. Best in full sun.
Myoporum parvifoliumCreeping BoobiallaA neat, totally flat groundcover with small purplish leaves and white flowers in spring to summer. Frost resistant, tolerates wet conditions
Nepeta x faasseniiCatmintGrey foliage with pretty mauve flowers. Good compact grower, excellent edging plant
Nicotiana alata white/pinknight scented tobaccoSelf seeding biennial with fragrant white or pink flowers throughout summer/autumn. Flowers in the second year. Very pretty. Fragrant at night
Nicotiana mutabilisPink night scented tobaccoAiry stems of marshmallow pink flowers fade through many subtle shades of pink as each is pollinated. Sow seeds at any time.
Oxypetalum caeruleumTweediaScrambling evergreen perennial, grey-green leaves, pale blue star flowers. Full sun.
Pachysandra terminalisExcellent groundcover for shade. Slow spreading plant that grows thick, unbranched stems in partial shade and even taller in deep shade.
Pelargonium sidoidesButterfly-shaped, rich wine-red flowers, which contrast dramatically with the grey felted crinkled leaves. Small growing
Penstemon hirsutus PygmaeusDwarf plant with lavender and white blossoms over prostrate evergreen foliage, reddish autumn tones
Penstemon pallidusUpright beardtongue, with pretty dainty spires of pure white flowers. Sun to part shade.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'Russian sageForms a bushy upright clump of greyish leaves that are lacy and fragrant. Spikes of rich violet-blue flowers appear in high summer. Versatile plant
Persicaria affinisA spreading mat of deep green leaves, which turn bronzy red in Autumn. Short spikes of deep-red poker flowers throughout summer, fading to soft pin
Philadelphus coronariussweet mockorangeA deciduous rounded shrub with pretty white scented flowers in spring. Golden yellow autumn foliage
Philadelphus mexicanusFragrant white flowers in spring on an upright growing deciduous shub. Great autumn golden colours
Philotheca myoporoides ProfusionDense, aromatic foliaged green native shrub with masses of white flowers bursting from pink buds during Winter and Spring.
Phlox stolonifera ‘Sherwood Purple'Low, spreading groundcover with soft mauve flowers in spring
Phlox stolonifera ‘White Ridge’Low, spreading groundcover with white flowers in spring
Phygelius aequalis (Yellow)Cape FuchsiaBushy mound bearing showy creamy-yellow clusters of fuchsia-like firecracker flowers beginning in mid-summer continuing into autumn.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Purpurea'Purple ninebarkBushy deciduous purple leafed shrubs. Profusion of small white flower balls in late spring
Physostegia virginiana RoseaPink Obedient plantAn upright herbaceous perennial boasting dense spikes of eye catching pink tubular flowers from mid-late summer. Full sun.
Plectranthus cilatus 'Drege'Shrubby green leaves with purple undersides, produce purple flower stalks with small pink flowers spring through summer and into autumn
Plectranthus 'Velvet Lady'Dark and dramatic velvet foliage teamed with masses of big, beautiful pink flowers. .
Pleione tongariro 'Trix'Dark pink ground orchid flowers in mid spring. Easy care and good pot specimen. Keep dry in winter when dormant.
Primula × polyanthaPolyanthusShowy low growing plants with pretty pink flowers in spring. Best in shade.
Primula japonicaJapanese primroseCharming bright flowers of Primula Japonica in shades of pink sit atop wrinkled, wavy mid green leaves.
Primula sieboldiiA very showy Japanese primula for the woodland, where it will gently spread with underground rhizomes. White, pink or purple flowers. Needs shade.
Prostanthera Poorinda BallerinaNative mint bushMassed white flowers in spring attract every pollinating insect into your garden. Easy care medium evergreen native shrub. Can be clipped into a hedge
Prostanthera scutellariodesMasses of small violet flowers mainly during spring with narrow dark green aromatic leaves. An easily grown plant preferring damp acid soils
Prunella ‘Pink Loveliness’Dense evergreen matting leaves with clear soft pink flower spikes in summer
Prunella Bella PinkA stunning hardy perennial, flowering through summer with an abundance of pink coloured blooms above cutleaf groundcover foliage.
Rehmannia elata 'Beverly Bells'Chinese foxglovePretty pink flowers on tall spires through late spring to autumn. Sun to semi shade
Ribes sanguineumPink Ornamental currantA deciduous shrub, with shallowly lobed, slightly aromatic leaves and pendent racemes of tubular pink flowers in spring.
Rosmarinis officianalisEdible, culinary herb . Full sun , drought tolerant, frost hardy
Rosmarinus officinalis ProstrataProstrate rosemary Excellent ground cover and a feature for training over walls and banks. Can be used in cooking.
Rudbeckia subtomentosaBlack eyed susanLarge, golden-yellow, daisy-like flowers up to 10 - 12cm across with cone-shaped, blackish-brown centres from January to April.
Rudbeckia trilobaA late flowering species with dozens of small golden flowers with prominent black central cones. Forms an attractive clump.
Salvia involucrata 'Joan' Pink sageLovely textured leaves & bright pink flowers over almost the entire growing season. Tough plant, frost and drought hardy. Recommended for beginners.
Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’ Compact form of culinary sage. Purple flowers on an evergreen rounded perennial. Moist, well-drained soil in full sun, Cut back after flowering.
Sanguisorba officianalis St PhilibertMaroon coloured pom pom bud flowers on tall stems above pinnate clumping foliage in autumn. Great in the garden or meadow planting. Full sun.
Saxifraga x arendsii Snow CarpetMossy evergreen leaves with small white flowers in spring held up on strong stems. partial sun. Very showy.
Scabiosa columbaria 'Mauve'Compact mound of grey-green leaves, bearing large, button-shaped flowers in pale mauve summer to autumn. Full sun. Hardy
Sisyrinchium palmifoliumYellow - Eyed GrassLarge yellow star shaped flowers on repeatedly branching stems. The more sun - the more flowers. Sow at any time.
Sisyrinchium striatumFull sun. Tall strappy leaves with spikes of pale yellow blooms in Summer.
Soleirolia soleiroliiBaby's tearsAn evergreen, emerald-green creeping ground cover with tiny leaves. It is a soft, velvet-like carpet growing 2.5cm high.
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'Lamb's-earsDense ground cover grown for its foliage. Likes well drained, open sunny position. Larger than the species.
Stachys byzantina 'Silky Fleece'Full sun. Silver grey foliage, purple flowers in Summer. Grows to 15cm high by 30cm
SucculentInteresting leaf and plant shapes of succulents make them useful asgarden and pot plants. Full sun, easy care.
Symphytum tuberosumPerennial forming neat clumps with deeply veined leaves. Pretty pendulous pale yellow/cream flowers in spring. Best in sun to part shade.
Teucrium hircanicumCaucasian germanderAs tough a plant as you could want. Stiff upright stems clothed in dark green sage like leaves are topped with dense spikes of purple red flowers
Teucrium massilienseGermanderA low growing evergreen shrub which makes a formal looking round mound of crinkled dark green leaves. Spikes of light pink flowers are produced in spring
Teucrium scorodonia 'Crispum Marginatum'Wood sageFrilly edged leaves with small cream flowers. Weed smothering
Thymus ciliatusDense wolly leafed groundcover with pretty pink spring flowers. Best in dry sun.
Tritonia crocataFan shaped foliage with sprays of fiery orange/red flowers, that appear in late Spring to early summer. Night fragrant
Veronica incanaSilver speedwellSpreading grey leafed groundcover with purple flower spikes in summer.
Veronica peduncularis 'Oxford Blue'SpeedwellStrong vibrant blue flowers smother this low ground cover in late winter/early spring. Well drained sunny position.
Veronica perfoliataAustralian SpeedwellEvergreen native perennial, round, grey, stem-clasping leaves, dainty blue flower spikes. Cut back after flowering for repeat flowering. Half shade to sun.
Viburnum lantanaThis attractive shrub has large heads of beautiful creamy flowers which turn into red, and then black fruit which is popular with birds
Viburnum opulus SterileGuelder-rosePure white pom pom ball flowers and stunning translucent orange-red berries in large clusters. Rich autumn colour. Hardy and vigorous.
Viola labradoricaExcellent vigorous groundcover for the shade, with dark purple leaves and mauve flowers in spring. Needs dark and damp.
Viola odorata Deep PurpleVery deep purple sweetly scented flowers appear prolifically on this spreading ground cover for the shade.
Viola PinkSmall pink flowers are borne in spring above large glossy rounded leaves. Excellent groundcover. Shade to semi-shade
Viola PurpleSmall purple flowers are borne in spring above large glossy rounded leaves. Excellent groundcover. Shade to semi-shade
Weigela Eva RathkeHardy deciduous shrub with a compact rounded habit produces masses of pink trumpet shaped flowers from spring through to summer
Weigela florida PurpureaPurple weigelaA deciduous shrub with purple new growth. In early summer it is covered in clusters of pale pink funnel-shaped flowers.
Weigela florida VariegataOld fashioned weigelaA compact deciduous shrub with variegated leaves. In early summer it is covered in clusters of pale pink funnel-shaped flowers.
Westringia fruticosa `Smokescreen'Mauve coastal rosemary A small shrub with soft grey-green foliage with small mauve flowers, which are attractive to butterflies. Needs full sun.
Westringia glabraHardy evergreen native with blue/mauve flowers in spring and summer. Good for hedging
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess'Green goddess lilyExtraordinary plant with abundant large cream flowers shading to green. Excellent cut flower. Shade. Edge of bog or good water
Zauschneria ‘Silver Select’Intensely silver leaves on 60-80cm stems which carry large scarlet trumpets from early in the new year until late autumn.