Join Us

This is a community botanic garden – it is for the community, by the community. We don’t rely on any committed funding from government or council.

It is so important to continue to have community support and it is why we would like you to join us. You can help in ways you may not have thought possible, just by becoming part of our community. We all have something in common – we want this garden to grow.

We need the help of community members through donating money and time, large or small. There are a number of ways you can help, so have a browse through the options.

What are the differences between a Friend, a Volunteer and a Partner?

A Friend is a financial supporter. By becoming a Friend, you will help us financially with your annual ‘membership fee’.

A volunteer is someone who donates their time but may not necessarily be a Friend.

Many people are both a Friend and a volunteer.

A Partner is a corporate entity or business whose values align with those of SHBG. A Partner may support us with donations of products or services for use in the garden or in the construction of a structure, eg a stone wall or building, or a Partner may support us in joining forces when we hold an event.

Check out the links.