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SHBG Nursery

Plant nursery is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 3pm or by appointment

All plants are propagated by the Friends, most of which are growing in the gardens. So when you see a plant that you like in the gardens you can call in at the nursery to see if plants are available.

The stock is an ever-evolving range and each week the volunteers tend to them under the watchful eye of professional horticulturists.

If you would like to visit on a day the nursery is not open please contact us

If you’re not sure what you are looking for, there is always a friendly face around to advise on the right kind of plant for that special corner in your garden. Some of our plants are quite rare—among the Friends are serious plant collectors who allow us to propagate from their stock.

The money raised from the nursery supports development of the Gardens.

Enjoy your visit to our nursery

Our plants are grown using Organic Life, Seasol and and Powerfeed