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Booking Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read before submitting a booking form. Refer to Fee Schedule for fees, charges and payment information.

SHBG Contact Details

Postal address PO Box 452 Bowral NSW 2576
Garden address 1 Old South Road, Bowral, NSW 2576
Telephone 0456 752 595
Contact person Charlotte Webb or Anne Goodman
Email address



Clients may serve or sell alcohol on site only if they have an appropriate liquor licence for the sale of alcohol, and the service of alcohol is provided by someone with a current Responsible Service of Alcohol certification. Evidence of current liquor licence and RSA must be available on day of event. See: Security.

Audio-visual equipment in Function Room

The use of the audio-visual equipment in the Function Room is available at an event when the applicant indicates in the booking form that they wish to use the A/V equipment. Instructions for use of A/V equipment will be available. No fee is chargeable for the hire of the A/V equipment. An additional bond will be charged if the A/V equipment is damaged. See: Bond, Damage, Fee Schedule.


A bond payment is required at the time of making a booking. The bond will be applied towards any cost for damage, cleaning, or extra hours of event. Otherwise, it is fully refundable. For NFPs, in lieu of a bond payment, credit card details will be taken to cover any charges that may be incurred. See: Cleaning, Damage, Event Times, Fee Schedule.

Booking Enquiries

For all booking enquiries, please contact SHBG. See contact details above.

Booking Form

A Booking Form is available at the SHBG website.

Bookings – tentative

Tentative bookings are welcome as a ‘Save the Date’ for 7 days. A tentative booking will be confirmed on payment of a deposit, otherwise will be released after 7 days if no deposit is paid. See: Deposit, Cancellation, Payment.

Booking changes

Changing the date for an event may not always be possible. If you require a change of time, date and/or location of your initial confirmed booking, please contact SHBG to discuss. You will then be required to provide your request in writing by email. An administration charge is payable for a change of time or date. See: Fee Schedule.

Cancellations and Cancellation charges

All cancellations by the hirer must be received in writing, by email. Cancellation charges may apply. Any cancellation refunds, including the deposit, will be returned within 4 weeks of notice of cancellation. SHBG reserves the right to cancel an event. See: Discretion of SHBG, Fee Schedule.


Caterers at an event must hold a NSW Food Authority licence and have available on day of event.

Cleaning and disposal of waste

The event venue, including the Function room, are to be left in a clean, tidy, and safe condition after the event, suitable for immediate use. Non-recyclable waste is to be minimised, and single use plastics are not permitted. The hirer is responsible for:

  • The removal of all rubbish from the venue
  • Supplying their own cleaning products and equipment
  • Ensuring all left over food and spillages are cleaned up
  • Complying with all hygiene requirements under the NSW Public Health Orders.

Failure to leave the venue in a clean and safe condition will incur a charge for cleaning costs, which may be deducted from the bond. See: Bond, Fee Schedule.

Confirmation of booking

Confirmation of booking occurs on payment of a deposit. See Deposit.


Any damage to the garden (trees, garden beds, etc) or building fixtures (including the floor in the Function room) and fittings that is attributed to an event will incur a charge – See Schedule of Fees and Charges.


If dancing or other activity is anticipated in the Function room that may cause damage to the floor, such as scratching or marking in any way, the hirer will be charged for repair. See: Damage, Equipment and Entertainment


To secure a booking, payment of a deposit is required. Once SHBG receives a completed Booking Form it will issue a tax invoice for payment.  Bookings will not be held more than 7 days. See: Bookings – tentative, Payment, Fee Schedule.


Appropriate clearance or flight plans from CASA may be required to operate a drone within the Southern Highlands Botanic Gardens. A copy of this should be lodged with SHBG before the event.

Discretion of SHBG

All events are held at the discretion of SHBG. Celebrations of 18th and 21st birthdays will not be permitted to be held in the garden. SHBG reserves the right to cancel any event.

Emergency Contact

All inquiries, including any incidents or accidents, are to be reported to SHBG.

Equipment and Entertainment

You may hire, and bring in, a marquee, dance floor, sound system, tables, chairs, lighting and catering supplies at your expense and these items must be noted on the Event Booking Form.

The use of marquees should be discussed with SHBG to determine a suitable location and method of fixing. Pegs or spikes can be used only in limited areas and alternative fixing, such as weighting down, can be used elsewhere. A dance floor will be required if dancing is anticipated in the Function room. Any equipment may be delivered into the Garden by vehicle with delivery and removal times being estimated as part of the set up and clean up times, included in the booking time. Vehicles must be removed from the site once delivery has been completed.  If you are planning a fully styled function in any venue, you may need to book short periods the day before and the day after your function date for set up and clean up. See: Fee Schedule.

Event times (start & finish)

Events at all venues may be held between 9am and 11pm every day. Arrangements may be made for access to the garden prior to 9am. Event times are from initial entry to final exit, ie including set up and clean up. For event booking times and fees, see Fee Schedule.

In consideration to other visitors, the event must not run over the booked time.

Event venues for hire

The Function room, including kitchen, and dedicated outdoor garden venues are available for hire. See website for location of outdoor garden venues. The use of more than one venue, eg the Function room and outdoor garden area, will attract fees for each venue. For clarity, if an event is in the Function room and the outdoor Pioneer Square area is also used during that event (other than casual use), separate charges will be made for each venue. Fees and charges for each venue are set out in the Fee Schedule.

Fees and charges

All fees and charges are set out in separate Fee Schedule and can be subject to change. See Fee Schedule.

Facilities included in hiring fee

Hire of the Function room includes use of kitchen, existing furniture (if required). Audio/visual equipment is available on request at time of booking. See Audio-visual, Bond, Fee Schedule.

Outdoor power connections are available near Pioneer Square and on the exterior of the Function room. Access to town water is available from taps in many outdoor areas of the garden. Toilets, including a disabled toilet and baby changing facility, are available.

Furniture in Function Room

No furniture, including tables and chairs, are to be taken outside the function room. A limited supply of tables and chairs are available for external use, located on the verandah outside the toilets.


All events at the garden are required to have public liability insurance for $20 million at the hirer’s expense. There are no exceptions. A copy of the insurance Certificate of Currency for $20 million must be provided to SHBG a time of making full payment. See: Fee Schedule, Payment.

Commercial operators and suppliers of outdoor equipment are required to have appropriate insurance cover. Hirers who do not hold public liability insurance are directed to insurers offering insurance for single events, from whom an online quote and insurance cover can be arranged. Suggested insurance providers are:

Action Entertainment Insurance

AON Community Cover for small events

Local Community Insurance Services


We welcome low level quiet pre-recorded music or a small live ensemble. Outdoor power connections are available near Pioneer Square and on the exterior of the Function room. If your event is to include playing music, you may need a music licence. Find more information from APRA AMCOS at


Noise levels are to be managed under NSW Environment Protection authority requirements The hirer is responsible for control of noise at the event and noise will be monitored by Security. SHBG wants the garden to be a neighbour friendly venue. Please consider the noise that might emanate from your event, including music volume from musical instruments and electrically amplified sound equipment. If a neighbour complains to the police, they may visit and issue you with a fine or seize noise-making equipment, such as a sound system. Any fines incurred by SHBG that are attributable to an event will be passed on to the hirer. See  See: Security.

Not permitted in the garden

No bicycles or skateboard within the fenced area. No dogs within the fenced area except for registered assistance dogs. Dogs are welcome on the bike track and the unfenced eastern native area of the garden. The throwing of confetti and rice is not permitted. Rose petals are permitted. Please do not attach decorations to trees, buildings, or other structures as they may cause damage. Fireworks are not permitted. Use of drones are not permitted unless approval is provided by CASA and submitted to SHBG.

Not-for-profit events

Not for profit events may only be held during weekdays of Monday to Thursday unless otherwise agreed by SHBG.

Number of guests

There is limited opportunity for events with large a number of guests. Please discuss with SHBG if it is anticipated that more than 100 people will attend an event. The maximum number of people that can be accommodated in the Function room is 80.

Opening and Closing Times

Access to the Garden is usually available daily between 9am and 5pm. Access outside these times can be arranged, eg for set up and clean up, by contacting SHBG. In consideration of nearby neighbours, all events are to be completed and the site vacated by 11pm. See: Event times, Fee Schedule, Security.


Throughout an event, all vehicles must be parked outside the fenced area of the Garden site in the car park. Vehicles must not obstruct any access gates to the Garden or the flow of traffic in the car park, There are no parking permits available for reserving areas in the car park, which remains available to the public. Disabled parking is available and indicated with signage.


A deposit is payable on receipt by SHBG of a completed online Booking Form and following issue of a SHBG invoice. Unless otherwise agreed by SHBG, full payment (including bond) must be made within the time specified in the Fee Schedule. See also Cancellation.

Payment can be made by cheque, credit card or direct debit.

Payment – Bond

A refundable bond must be paid in addition to the appropriate hire fee. An additional bond is also payable for the use of the audio-visual equipment in the Function room. The bond amounts are GST exempt and are fully refundable under the proviso the area is left in the way it is found and no damage has occurred. Please allow four weeks for the reimbursement of bond process.

SeeAudio-Visual equipment, Bond, Smoking.


You are welcome to remain in the area you have booked for the duration of the event time booked. After you have progressed from your booked area, and you wish for further photographic opportunities, there is no time limitation or additional cost for photography in the Garden. Please do not interfere with any other visitors or interrupt other events which may be in progress.

Police party registration

If your event has more than 20 participants OR is one where alcohol will be consumed, the event must be registered with NSW Party Registration. There is no cost to registration. See: A copy of your registration number and evidence of your registration must be provided at time of making full payment. Note: Registration only applies to a ‘party’, celebration, wedding, etc.


External power connections are available. All power equipment brought to the site are to be tagged and tested. See also: Facilities, Music, and Noise.


Security is required for events scheduled to occur after 5pm OR serving alcohol. SHBG will arrange security for each event and advise the cost to the hirer. Minimum charge is for 5 hours. Guards will monitor Responsible Service of Alcohol, guest list checks, noise control, traffic management, as required. For indicative Security charges, see Fee Schedule.

Set up and Clean up times

Set up and clean up periods may be required for some events, particularly those expected to occur over several hours. For events bringing outdoor equipment, such as a marquee, please allow additional time for set up and clean up (possibly on the day before and day after the event). Event times and Fees are to include set up and clean up times, ie, from initial entry to final exit. See: Event times. In consideration of other visitors, the event must not go over the booking time.


The whole garden site is a ‘No Smoking’ zone. A penalty for each butt found on the site following the event will be charged to the hirer. See: Fee Schedule


Subletting or transfer of the hirer’s rights to any other person or party is not permitted.


There is a possibility the weather may interrupt your outdoor event. The garden has no undercover area for outdoor events, except for the two small picnic shelters. The shade sail over Pioneer Square is not rain proof. You should take this into consideration when planning your event.


Wedding ceremonies may be held at any outdoor venue in the garden or the Function room. Throwing of confetti or rice is prohibited, but rose or other flower petals are acceptable outdoors. Wedding receptions may be held at an outdoor venue or in the Function room. Separate fees apply to the hire of an outdoor venue and the Function room. See: Fee Schedule